
Showing posts from December, 2022

Get The Best and Healthy Coconut Cookies Online

  GC Foods was founded in the year 1995. They manufacture premium quality Sattu, Rusk, Cookies, instant dosa upma, and many other products. With their innovative idea, we get the best and Healthy Coconut Cookies Online . With great taste, it comes with great nutrition benefits which are mentioned above. All of the ingredients used in the coconut cookies are sourced from premium farms and later hygienically processed to keep the goodness alive. Having all these values these cookies are very popular in the northern regions of India and you can also buy these Anoop coconut cookies Online .     Blog Reference:  

The Top Supplier of Sattu and Chana in Noida- GC Foods

Sattu has always been one of the most important parts of Indian delicacy, specially in North Indian cuisine. It was initially derived from Bihar centuries ago but spread across the region for its great taste and health benefits. It is known as the king of goodness for numerous reasons such as:   1.      The high amount of protein 2.      Versatile uses 3.      Good for Sugar Control 4.      Good for Blood pressure control 5.      Heat protectant               6.      Helps with weight loss 7.      Lowers Cholesterol 8.      Supports Digestion 9.      Helps with Muscle gain 10.  A great immunity booster   These are the fewest possible benefits of sattu. It is called a superfood for all these reasons. Alongwith this sattu has never disappointed its consumers in regards to taste, it has a taste that perfectly matches health benefits. In India, Sattu is not just a food, but a part of its rich culture and legacy. GC Foods has contributed to the same legacy for decades. GC Foods is an India